Hello Malaysia. Hello world. about 24 days to TRIAL. takut gila tak takut. hahahaha everything mash up dalam kepala ni hah. alhamdulillah study minggu ini semua okay. last week paling penat sebab isnin sampai rabu pergi UTM and after that weekends pergi sekolah lain pula. hahaha tak pernah fikir akan keluar sekolah berturut-turut hari. hahaha. seronok doh ! actually biasa je persekitaran yang memberi impak perubahan yang tinggi. jumpa ramai kawan semestinya. hahaha. haha jumpa jodoh aip. hahaha pergi belajar ke cari jdoh doh. hahaha of course belajar :D haha crazy right, meeting new person and suddenly you're in love with him. LOL i remembered a long conversation with my friend. he said to me he was bbroken hearted with his girlfriend. he told me everything and i gave all positive words to him. as a good friend , I have to support even though he felt down. and suddenly he told me , why noy you be my girlfriend. and he was a little bit shocked because i was not say yes. sorry i'm not the kind of girl yang senang-senang nak couple break up couple break up. haha maybe that's why i don't have any boyfriend before. haha . kalau kawan nak share masalah or bestfriend i agreed. but falling in love lepastu merapu-rapu or no! hahaha tapi tak bermaksud tak support member yang suka nak couple ni tak kisah lah masing-masing. bye haha :D
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