
Assalamualaikum. Hello readers. erggghhhhh esok balik tak nak balik. tolonglah faham. hati and jiwa dah tenteram. feel that. memanglah this year selalu balik sebab ada appointment gigi. tapi still tak nak balik. dah lah cuti change jumaat sabtu. feel like wanna cry untill the anak tekak gone can ah? over en. haha serious talk rasa macam nak jerit gila-gila sebab tak nak balik. tak deny tapi truth. haha jujur gila. sangat. o_O". feel uncomfortable you know. hopefully sekolah looks very perfect to welcome me. haha hostel sweet hostel. uuu. geli giloss. rempit sikit malam ni. sorry. mood a little bit swing. okay lah awak awak bye. kalau terbaca blog kita. serious talk malu. hahah tak pelah awak hopefully 2014 more better than past year. hopefully. :) okay good night. good bye 2013 and hello 2014 :)


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