About Love!

Assalamualaikum.. hye readers! I'm find here.. i hope you all in a good condition! :) okay... tonight i want to post about LOVE! this is related to somebody in love like me! :) heheheheehhe.. enjoy my post guys! sorry for the broken english! :) okay =_="

why they all busy with love. I never thought about it. but I always wonder fun to fuck that? I can not know what the meaning of love and what is different from love? hahahahaha feel like weird right. why I can think up things like that! actually I wondered why my friends around me are busy going to love. I think it was  never wanted but I thought right into what I do. because I feel not the time yet to think about love.hahaha I'm to young!. hahahahahah but I never topple the middle of their spirit warm this love. hahahaha .. all people want to live in pairs right .. I have wished! :) Ahahaha today a little strange reason I suddenly want to post about love at young ages. hahahaha I post this article because I see things around me right now. I had always post everything in life, but I'm not interested in gossip that the people do this or that. except for the good things only. okay guys that's it i want to post good night. and wish me luck for my homework.. i done it all before wednesday! :) okay sweet dream and sleep tight! :) 


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