Miss her

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.okay I miss the blog already since last week... ahahahaha.. what's up? okay today i'm gonna like to post.. I "miss her".. serious really miss her...it's not sound that i'm a LESBIAN.. sorry i'm not like that.. i'm still know who I'M! aaa when i can meet you? I on the phone with her just now... miss you.. you are my best friend since last two years... even somtimes i getting mad with you but I still think about our BEST FRIEND FOREVER..  i'm not forgot even i meet many new friend... what ever you want to be.. i'm still being your friend... insyallah..  :) btw i dream about you.. :) hahahahah sweet right.. totally sweet.. when i dream about you make I want meet you!! :) LOL i hope we will meet on the semester break on midle of the march! :) insyallah! last say *I LOVE MY BEST FRIEND NO GUY WILL EVER CHANGE THAT* dedicate to NEMH! 


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