I'm Here

Assalamaualaiku.. HI, guys..long time i'm not post something because no time very busy with HOMEWROK! :) what's up? i'm good right now.. today i want to share about i'm going to band again! :) i don't know why i take decission to join band again... actually since I go out from the band i keep asking myself why i'm out! :) no reason that i want to out truthly! :) i remember when i want go out from the band.. i do it anything! huh! :) the old story! :) by the way all my friends support me get in back.. :) thanks to my family also because give me support.. :) I hope them always pray for me! :) alhamdulillah and In Shaa Allah... hope i'm not give up.. and confident with my decissison! :) lastly i want to say.. hope be tough and always think positve ... i get in back because to make my family,myself anf friends happy! :) starbuks! :*


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