The Awesome Friends

Hye! what's up readers! :D okay i want type about "THAT I WANT MEET TASHA AND QILA".. them i really awesome for me.. I can share everything that was suitable to share.. hmm.. about three months we don't meet..aaaa we're getting very closer starting  from last year! :D we're always tweeting and skyping together.. aaa when one of we're want to buy something we're shopping together! aaa that time are very awesome and feel very happy because we can spend time like that! :D and beside that we spend time with LEPAK! aaaaa I'm gonna miss to did all everything! :).

First time I meet tasha on standard 1.. ahahaha we're so cute.. but that time we're not close.. but when we're in year 5.. we're close and friendship! hehehee :D

I and qila nwe meet in secondary school at Munshi.. hehehehe that time we're close because our parents know each other! so we're friends! :) hehehehe


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